ViewStation User’s Guide
Symptom Cause Solution
Near-site or far-site can
not hear or see the VCR
VCR input is not selected.
Turn on the VCR input by selecting the NEAR
key twice and selecting the VCR icon.
Picture is blank on the
main monitor.
System goes to ‘sleep’ mode
after 10 minutes of inactivity.
Pick up the remote control. System will wake
Same picture is seen on
first and second monitor.
Monitors are connected to the
same output. Monitor has a
composite as well as an S-
Video output.
Connect Monitor 2 to the Monitor 2
connection on the rear panel of the
Picture freezes often
during a call.
ISDN line transmission errors.
Check the error count under
the Diagnostics menu.
Check your system by doing a local
loopback under the Diagnostics menu. If the
picture does not freeze, perform the same
test at the far-site system. Perform a far-site
loopback during a call. If the picture freezes
there are line errors on your ISDN lines.
You can also test this by placing a video call
t o an I SD N l o o pb ac k nu m be r p ro v id ed b y
your service provider.
Picture slow or jerky.
Only one 64K channel is
connecting in your call.
Check the ISDN number of the far-site. Ask
the far-site to call your site.
Lots of motion in the picture
you are receiving.
A background with less motion will provide
a better, smoother video picture.
Camera voice tracking
does not work.
Camera tracking was turned
off by near or far-site.
Camera tracking is turned off when the near
or far-site move your camera. Press the
AUTO button to restore tracking.
The far-site is speaking.
The camera stops tracking when the far-site
speaks to prevent the camera from pointing
to your monitor speaker.
The far-site is very noisy.
The camera stops tracking when the far-site
has a loud noise.
Near-site is on mute.
The near-site camera does not track when
the near-site is on ‘MUTE.’ Toggle mute
function with the MUTE button.
Near-site is noisy or too many
people talking at once.
Reduce the noise in the room.
Blue screen in the PIP
No video input.
Check that there is a video source present on
the selected input.
The VCR input is selected and
the VCR is idle or not running.
Most VCRs generate a blue
screen when the tape is not
Select a different input on the ViewStation or
play a tape on the VCR.
Near end camera does
not pan or tilt.
You are attempting to move
Camera 2 or 3.
Camera 1 is the only movable camera.