ReadiManager SE200 Getting Started Guide
1-8 Polycom, Inc.
b Enter 2 for Default Gateway IP and press Enter. At the prompt, enter
the Default Gateway IP address and press Enter.
c Enter 3 for the system name, IP address, and subnet mask, and press
Enter. At the prompt, enter the necessary information and press Enter.
12 Enter x and press Enter to exit.
Go to Chapter 2, “ReadiManager
Software Setup.”
To connect to the ReadiManager SE200 appliance through an ethernet port
1 Choose one of the following procedures:
— Connect the appliance directly to an Ethernet port on the computer
through a crossover cable.
— Connect the appliance and the computer to the same Ethernet switch or
hub through standard Ethernet cables.
2 Turn on the power for the two devices.
3 Record the original IP address and subnet mask of your computer, so you
can restore these values after completing system setup.
4 From the Start menu, choose Control Panel > Network Connections >
Local Area Connection Properties.
5 Select Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) and click Properties.
6 In the Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Properties dialog box, enter these
values from Table 1-1, First-Time Setup Worksheet.
— IP address:
— Subnet mask:
In redundant configurations, enter the physical IP address for the server.
Use these steps for Microsoft Windows XP. If you have a different version of
Windows, the steps may differ slightly.
In redundant configurations, this is still the physical IP address for the server.