
Using Your Conference Phone in SIP Mode
In the following example, the call from Francois Clement is the active call. If
you press , you can scroll down and view a held call with Jack Jones.
If you have more than one call, a counter displays in the status bar. The counter
indicates which call you’re viewing, and how many calls you have. The
counter has the format: x/y, where x indicates how recent the call you’re
viewing is, and y indicates the total number of calls your phone has. When x
has a value of 1, the call is the most recent call.
For example:
If the counter shows ‘1/3,’ you’re viewing the first call in the list (the most
recent call) and you have a total of three calls. You can scroll down to view
older calls.
If the counter shows ‘3/4,’ you’re viewing the third call in the list (the
second call you placed/received) and you have a total of four calls. You
can scroll up to view more recent calls or scroll down to view an older call.
If the counter shows ‘4/4,’ you’re viewing the last call in the list (the first
call you placed/received) and you have a total of four calls. You can scroll
up to view more recent calls.
For information on how to handle multiple calls, see Answering Calls on
page 58, Calling on page 60, and Ending Calls on page 63.
Held call
Active call
Call counter
Total number of
calls on phone
How recent the displayed call is (1= most recent)