Administrator Guide - SoundPoint
IP / SoundStation
IP Optimization
Copyright © 2004 Polycom, Inc 67 Adding New Languages
Follow these steps to add new languages to those included with the distribution:
1. Create a new dictionary file based on an existing one.
2. Change the strings making sure to encode the XML file in UTF-8 but also
ensuring the UTF-8 characters chosen are within the Unicode character
ranges indicated in
3.5.1 Multilingual User Interface on page 46.
3. Place the file in an appropriately named folder according to the format
language_region parallel to the other dictionary files under the SoundPoint
IPLocalization folder on the boot server.
4. Add a lcl.ml.lang.clock.menu.x attribute to the configuration file.
5. Add lcl.ml.lang.clock.x.24HourClock, lcl.ml.lang.clock.x.format,
lcl.ml.lang.clock.x.longFormat and lcl.ml.lang.clock.x.dateTop attributes
and set them according to the regional preferences.
6. (Optional) Set lcl.ml.lang to be the new language_region string.
lcl.ml.lang.clock.x.format string which
includes ‘D’, ‘d’
and ‘M’ and two
optional comma’s
If attribute present, overrides
D = day of week
d = day
M = month
Up to two comma’s may be included.
e.g. D,dM = Thursday, 3 July
Md,D = July 3, Thursday
The field may contain 0, 1 or 2
comma’s which can occur only
between characters and only one at a
time i.e. “D,,dM” is illegal.
lcl.ml.lang.clock.x.longFormat 0, 1 If attribute present, overrides
If 1, display the day and month in long
format (Friday/November), otherwise
use abbreviations (Fri/Nov).
lcl.ml.lang.clock.x.dateTop 0, 1 If attribute present, overrides
If 1, display date above time, otherwise
display time above date.
lcl.ml.lang.y.list “All” or a comma-
separated list
A list of the languages supported on
hardware platform ‘y’ where ‘y’ can be
IP_500 or IP_600.