
microphone was muted. Both Near (local) and Far (remote) microphone mute status were
also indicated on the display screen.
A call status page is readily available via the remote control Help button and indicates:
the network in use; the target data rate; the audio and the video encoding/decoding
algorithms together with:
Statistics on the actual audio and video data rate;
The video frame rate; the audio and video packet loss;
The call number;
The duration of the call.
The Stereo audio system (StereoSound™ performed well with the camera in wide angle
(zoomed out) to include a group of conference participants. The stereo audio then helped
to identify the position of the participant speaking in the group. In close-up however the
stereo image did not alter so that the picture showed a close up view of the presenter but
the accompanying sound still matched the wide angle shot. In other words, the video
image showed the speaker ‘centre stage’ while the stereo audio ‘image’ remained with the
speaker off to the right or left. This disconnection of the video picture and the stereo
audio ‘image’ could be distracting.
The People + Content™ application to establish a connection between a PC/laptop and
the CODEC via the Local Area Network is enabled either by pressing the remote control
Graphics button or the on-screen Play button within the People + Content™ IP PC
application. This application only operates under Windows; Apple Mac operating systems
are not supported.
The CODEC accepts still images transmitted from other units as snap-shots but does not
transmit snapshots. The Snapshot button on the remote handset can select:
System Calendar
Recent Calls List
System Info
Call Status
This could be confusing to the occasional user.