The 911 | Environment
911 Targa 4
The 911 is already designed to
operate on fuels with an ethanol
content of up to 10 %. Ethanol
has a positive impact on the CO
balance since the plants grown
for the production of this biofuel
also absorb CO
from the
The release of hydrocarbons from
the fuel system is minimal. This
is achieved through an active
carbon filter and a special coating
on the fuel tank. The high-pressure
section of the fuel system is made
of stainless steel, while vapour-
carrying lines are made from
multi-layered plastic.
The 911 complies with all appli-
cable noise regulations without
any form of engine encapsulation.
To achieve this, noises are elimi-
nated at source. Engine parts are
stiff, moving parts are lightweight
and tolerances are kept to a
minimum. Large-volume silencers
and resonators in the air intake
system minimise noise further.
For the entire service life of the
Long service intervals offer
clear advantages. For you: lower
costs and saved time. For the
environment: the use of fewer
consumables and replacement
parts. For full details of service
intervals, please refer to the
separate price list.