WARNING: Fire hazard. Never mix, pour, or store gasoline or
use the unit near a flame or sparks (including smoking, open flames, or
work that can cau se sparks).
Use unleaded gasoline and two--stroke oil mixed at a ratio of
40:1 (2.5%).
Always st op unit and disconnect spark plug before clean-
ing or servicing.
WARNING: Always disconnect spark
plug wire and p lacewi re where it cannot contact
spark plug to prevent accident al st arting when
sett ing up, transporting, adj usti ng or making re-
pairs except carbu retor adjust ments.
Because apr uner i s a high-speed wood-cutting
tool, special sa fety precautio ns must be ob-
servedtoreducethe risk of accidents. Ca reless
or improper use of this tool can cause serious or
even fatal injury.
S Read this manual care fully until you
complete ly understand and can follow a ll
safety rules, precauti ons, and opera ting
instru cti ons before att empting to use the unit.
S Restrict the use of your pr uner to adult users
who under sta nd and can follow safety rules,
precaut ions, and operating instructions found
on the unit and i n this manual.
S Keep all parts of your body away from the
chain when the engine is running.
S Do not handle or operate a prune r when you
are fatigued, ill, or up set, or i f yo u have taken
alcohol, d rugs, o r medication. You must be in
good ph ysical condition and mentally alert. If
you have any conditi on that might be
aggrava ted by st renuous work, ch eck wi th
doctor bef ore o perati ng a pruner.
If situations occur which are not co vered in
this manual, use care and good judgm ent. If
you needassi stance, contact yo urauthorized
service dealer or call 1- 80 0-55 4-67 23.
S Operatethe pruner only in awell-ventilated
outdoor area.
S Do notuse aprunertocut dow ntr ees orany
portion of the t ree trunk.
S Only use for pruning limbs or branches
overheadnot greater than6 inches (15 cm)
in diameter.
S Do notcut smallbrushandsa plings withthe
pruner . Slender matter may catch in the
chain and be whipped toward you, pulling
you off balance.
S Make sure the chain will not make contact
with any object while starting the engine.
Never try to start the unit when the guide
bar is in a cut.
S Do notputpressureonthe prunerat theend
ofthecut.Applying pressu recan causeyou
to lose contr ol when the cut is completed.
S Do not run the unit at high speed when not
S If you strike or become entangled with a
foreign object, stop the engine imm ediately
and check for damage. Have any damage
repaired by an author ized service dealer
before a ttempting further operations.
S Do not operate a pruner that is damaged,
improperly adjusted, or not completely and
secu rely assembled. Always replace bar
and chain immediately if it becomes
damaged, broken or is otherwise removed.
S Always stop the unit when work is delayed
orwhenwalking from onecuttinglocationto
another. Stop the enginebefore setting the
unit down.
S Use only in daylight or good artificial light.
S Use only for jobs explained in this manual
(or manuals for optional attachme nts).