a bnormal swellin gs. Prolonged use in cold
weather has been linked to blood vessel
damage in otherwise healthy people. If
symptoms occur such as n umbness, pain,
loss of strength, changein skin color or te xture,
or loss of feeling in the fingers, hands, or joints,
discontinue th e use of this tool and seek
medical attention. An anti-vibration system
does not guarantee the avoidance of these
problems. Users who operate power tools on
a continual and reg ular basis must monitor
closely t heir p hysical cond ition and the
condit ion of this too l.
Yoursaw is equipped
with a temperaturelimiting muffler andspark
arresting screen which meets the
requirements of California Codes 4442 and
4443. All U.S. forest land and the states of
California, Idaho, Maine, Minnesota, New
Jersey, Oregon, and Washington require by
law that many internal combustion engines
tobeequippedwith aspark a rrestingscreen.
If you operatea c hainsaw in astate orlocale
wheresuch regulations exist, you arelegally
responsible for maintaining the operating
condition of these parts. F ailure to do so is
a violation of the l aw. Refer to the SERVICE
section for maintenance of the spark
arresting screen.
Failuretofollowall SafetyRulesandPrecau-
tions canresult in serious injury . If situations
occur which ar e not covered in this m anual,
use care and good judgement. If you need
assistance, contact your author ized service
dealer or call 1-800--554--6723.
This saw i s listed byUn der-
writer’s Laboratories, Inc., and the Canadian
Standard s Association in accordance w ith:
ANSI B175.1-2000 American National
Standard f or Powered Tools -- Gasoline
Powered Chain Saw -- Safety Requirements
CSA Z62.1--03 Chain Saws -- O ccupational
Health and Safety
CSA Z62.3--96 Chain Saw Kickback Occu-
pational Health and Safety
Protective gloves (not provided) should be
worn during assembly.
(If not
already attached)
If received assembled,
repeat all steps to ensure your saw is prop-
erly assembled andall fasteners aresecure.
Always wear gloves when handling the
chain. The c hain is sharp and can cut you
even when it is not moving!
1. Loosenand re movethechain brakenuts
and the chain brake from the saw .
2. Remove the plastic shipping spacer (if
Chain Brake
Chain Brake
Bar Tool
Location of shipping spacer
3. T urn adjusting screw on bar counter-
clockwise tomovethetensioning r ackas
far as it will go towardthe frontof thebar.
Tensioning Rack
4. Slide thebar behind clutch drum until bar
stops against clutch drum sprocket.
Mount the Bar
5. Prepare th e c hain b y checking the proper
dir ect ion. Witho ut follow ing the illustration it
is easy to place the cha in on the saw in the
wrong d ire ction. Use the illustration o f the
chain to determine the proper direction.
Tip of
Depth Gauge
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