WARNING: Disconnect the spark
plug before performing maintenance except
for carburetor adjustments.
We recommend all service and adjustments
not listed in this manual be performed by an
authorized or Master Service Dealer.
IMPORT ANT: Have all
repairs other than the rec-
ommended maintenance
described in the instruction
manual p erformed by an
authorized service dealer.
If any dealer other than an authorized
service dealer performs work on the
product, Electrolux Home Products,
Inc., may not pay for repairs under war-
ranty. Itisyourresponsibility tomaintain
and perform general maintenance.
Fuel mixture level Before each use....
Bar lubrication Before each use.......
Chain tension Before each use.......
Chain sharpness Before each u se.....
For damaged parts Before each use...
For loose caps Before each use......
For loose fasteners Before each u se...
For loose parts Before each use......
Inspect and Clean:
Bar Before each u se................
Complete saw After each u se.......
Air filter Every 5 hours*.............
Chain brake Every 5 hours*.........
Spark arresting screen
and muffler Every 25 hours*..........
Replace spark plug Yearly.
Replace fuel filter Yearly...
* Hours of Operation --
Each hour of operation is approximately
2 tanks of fuel.
The warranty on this unit does not cover
items that have been subjected to operator
abuse or negligence. To receive full value
from the warranty, the operator must main-
tain unitas instructed in this manual.Various
adjustments willneed tobe madeperiodical-
ly to properly maintain your unit.
S Once a year , replace the spark plug, air f ilter,
and check guide bar and chain for wear . A
new spark plug and air filter assures proper
air-fuel mixture a nd helps your e ngine run
better and last longer .
Contact an authorized service dealer for re-
placement of damaged or worn parts.
NOTE: It is norm al for a sm allamount ofoil
to appear under the saw after engine stops.
Do not confuse this with a leaking oil tank.
S ON/STOP Swi t ch -- Ensure ON/ST OP
switch functions properly by moving the
switch to the STOP position. Make sure en-
gine stops; then restart engine and continue.
S Fuel Tank -- Do not use saw if fuel tank
shows signs of damage or leaks.
S Oil Tank -- Do notuse saw ifoil tank shows
signs of damage or leaks.
S Bar Nuts
S Chain
S Muffler
S Cylinder Shield
S Air Filter
S Handle Screws
S Vibration M ounts
S Starter Housing
S Front Hand Guard
A sharp chain makes wood chips. A dull
chain makes a sawdust powder and cuts
slowly . Se e CHAIN SHA RPE NING.
Conditions which require guide bar mainte-
S Saw cuts to one side or at an angle.
S Saw has to be forced through the cut.
S Inadequate supply of oil to bar/chain.
Check the condition of guide bar each time
chain is sharpened. A worn guide bar will
damage the chain and make cutting dif ficult.
After each use, ensure ON/STOP switch is
in the S TOP position, then clean all sawdust
from the guide ba r and sprocket hole.
To maintain guide bar:
S MoveON/STOPswitchtoSTOP.
S Loosen and remove bar nuts and clutch
cover . Remove bar and chain from saw.
S Clean the oil holes and bar groove after
each 5 hours of operation.
Remove Sawdust From
Guide Bar Groove
Oil Holes
S Burring of guide bar rails is a normal
process of rail wear. Remove these burrs
with a flat file.
S When railtop is uneven, us ea flat filetore-
store square edges and sides.
Correct GrooveWorn Groove
File Rail Edges
and Sides