associa t ed withou t a chain brake. When
purchasing replacements, considerat i ons
shoul d be given to the l ow er CKA val ues .
In all cases, l ower CKA values repr esenta
safer oper ati ng environment for t he user.
S Tip contact in some cases may cause
a lightning fast
REACTION, kicking the
guide bar u p and back toward the op-
S Pinching the saw chain along the ti p of
the g ui de bar may push the guide ba r
ra pidl y b ack towa rds t h e ope rat o r.
S Either of t hese reacti ons may cause you
to l ose co ntrolof the sawwhich coul dre-
sult in serious i njur y. Do not r el y exclu-
sively upon safety devices built into your
The fol lowi ng guide bar and chain com-
binati ons m eet kickback requir ement s o f
CSA Z62.1 & Z62. 3 and ANSI B175.1
when used o n saws l i sted in t hi s m anual.
Use of bar and chain combinat i ons other
than those list ed is not recommended and
may not meet the CKA requirements per
Computed kickback angle (CKA) Table
P/N Length
CKA without
chain brake
952044418 952051338
SAFETY NOTICE: Exposure to vibra-
tions through prolonged use of hand
tools could caus e blood vessel or nerve
damage in the fingers, hands, a nd joints
of people prone to circulation disorders
or abnormal swelling. Prolonged use in
cold weather has been linked to blood
vessel damage in otherwise healthy
people. If symptoms occur such as
numbness, pain, loss of strength,
change in skin color or texture, or loss of
feeling in the fingers, hands, or joints,
discontinue the use of this tool and seek
medical a ttention. An anti-vibration sys-
tem does not guarantee the avoidance
of these problems. Users who operate
power tools on a continual and regular
basis must closely monitor theirphysical
condition and the condition of this tool.
This unit is double insulated to help pro-
tect against electric shock. Double in-
sulation construction c onsists of two
separate “layers” of electrical insulation
instead of grounding.
Tools builtwith thisinsulation systemare
not intended to be grounded. No
grounding means is provided on this
unit, nor should a means of grounding
be added to this unit.
Safety precautions must be observed
when operating any electrical tool. The
double insulation system only provides
added protection against injury resulting
from an internal electrical insulation
WARNING: All e lect r ical repair s to
this unit, including housing, swi t ch, motor,
etc., must be diagnosed and repai r ed by
qualif i ed service personnel. Replacement
parts for a double insulated appliance
must be iden t ical to the par ts they r eplace.
A double insul ated appliance is marked
wit h the wor ds “double insulation” or
“double insulat ed” . The symbol
(square wi t hin a square) may also be
marked on the appl i ance. Failure to have
the unit repaired by authorized ser vi ce
personnel can cause the double i nsula-
tion construction to become ineffective
and result in serious injury .
STANDARDS: This product is listed by
Underwriters Laboratories,Inc.inac cor-
dance with UL Standard 1662 and CSA
Standards Z62.1 and Z62.3 and ANSI
ANSI B175. 1--2000 “American National
St an da rd for Powered Tools -- Safet y Re-
quir ements”
CSA Z 62.3 “Chain Saw Ki ckb ack Occu-
pational H ealt h and Safet y”
CSA Z 62.1 “Chain Saws -- Occupational
Health and Saf ety”