-- 3 --
D Always wear eye protection when operat-
ing, servicing, or performing maintenance
onthis attachment. Wearingeye protection
willhelp topreventrocks or debris frombe-
ing blown or ricocheting into eyes and face
which can result in blindness and/or seri-
ous injury. Eye protection should be
marked Z87.
D Always wear foot protection. Do not go
barefoot or wear sandals.
D Always wear respirator or face mask when
working with unit in dusty environments.
D Secure hairaboveshoulder length.Secure
or remove jewelry, loose clothing, or cloth-
ing with loosely hanging straps, t ies, tas-
sels, e tc. T hey can be caught in moving
D Do not operate unit when you are tired, ill,
cohol, drugs, or medication.
D Keep children, bystanders, and animals
away fromwork area a minimum of 30 feet
(10meters) whenstartingoroperatingunit.
Do not point blower discharge opening in
the direction of people or pets.
FUEL SAFETY (for gas powerheads)
D Eliminateallsourcesof sparksor flame(in-
cluding smoking, open flames,or work that
mixed, poured, or stored.
D Mix and pour fuel in an outdoor area; store
fuelina cool, dry ,wellventilatedplace;use
an approved, marked container for all fuel
D Do not smoke while handling fuel or while
operating the unit.
D Make sure the attachment is properly as-
sembled and in good operating condition.
D Do not fill fueltank while engine is running.
D Avoid spilling fuel or oil. Wipe up fuelspills
before starting engine.
D Move atleast 10feet (3meters) away from
fuel and fueling site before starting engine.
D Always store gasoline in a container ap -
proved for flammable liquids.
Avoid a dangerous environment. To reduce the
risk of ele ctrical shock, do not use i n r ain, in
damp or wet locations, or around swimming
pools, h ot tubs, etc. Do not expose to snow ,
rain, or water to avoid thepossibility of electrical
shock.Donot useon wet surfaces.Do nothan-
dle extension cord plug or unit with wet hands.
Avoid dangerous situations. Do not use in the
presence of flammableliquids or gases toavoid
creatinga fireor explosionand/or causingdam-
age to unit. Do not abuse cord. Never carry the
unit by the extension cord or yank extension
cord t o d isconnect unit. To unp lug, grasp t he
plug, not the cord. Do not use cord as a handle,
close a door on cord, or pull cord around sharp
edges orcorners. T urn of fallcontrols beforeun-
plugging. Do not expose cords to heat, oil, or
water. Do not use with damaged cord or plug. If
unit is not working as it should, has been
dropped, damaged, left outdoors, or dropped
into water, return i t to your authorized service
dealer for repair . Unplug the unitfrom the power
source when not in use, before servicing, and
when changing accessories and/or a ttach-
ments. Do not put any o bject into openings. Do
not use with any opening blocked; keep free of
flow .
S Use only a voltage supply as shown on the
nameplate of the powerhead.
S Avoid dangerous environments. Do not use
in unventilated areas o r where dust o r explo-
sive vapors can build up.
S To reduce the risk of electric shock, the
powerheadmayhaveapolarized plug(one
bladeiswider thantheother);ifso,itwillre-
quirethe use ofapolarizedextensioncord.
The appliance plug will fit into a polarized
extension cord only one way. If the plug
does notfit fully into theextension cord, re-
verse the plug. If the plug still does not fit,
obtain a correct polarized extension cord.
A polarized extension cord will require the
use ofapolarized wall outlet. This plugwill
fit into the polarized wall outlet only one
way. If plug does not fit fully into the wall
outlet,reversethe plug. Ifitstilldoesnotfit,
contact a qualified electrician to install the
properwalloutlet. Donotchangetheequip-
ment plug, extension cord receptacle, or
extension cord plug in any way .
S To reduce risk o f electrical shock, use ex-
tension cords specifically marked as suit-
able for outdoor appliances having electri-
cal r a ting not less than the rating of unit.
Cordmust bemarked withsuffix “W--A” (in
Canada “W”). Make sure your extension
cordisingoodcondition. Inspectextension
cordbeforeuseandreplaceifdamage d.Do
not use a damaged cord. Cord insulation
must be intact with no cracks or deteriora-
tion. Plugconnectorsmustbeundamaged.
Theextension cordused toreach thepow-
er source must be heavy enough to carry
current from the power source the full length
of th e ex ten s ion cor d to th e un it. An under-
sized extension cord will cause a drop in
line voltage resulting in loss of power and
overheating. Ifindoubt,usethenextheavi-
ergauge. Thelowerthegaugenumber,the
heavier the cord.
S Do not use multiple cords.
S Keepthe extension cord clearof operatorand
obstacles at all times.
S Tie cord to cord retainer and connect tore-
vent damage to unit and/or extension cord
and to reduce the possibility of the exten-
S Donot attempttorepairunit. Inspect theinsu-
lation and connectors on the powerhead and
extension cord before each u se. If there i s
any damage, do not use until damage is re-
paired by your a uthorized service de aler .
S Do not use the powerhead if the switch
does not turn the unit on and off properly.
Have the unit repaired by your aut horized
service dealer .