S Keep the handles dry, clean, and free from
oil and grease.
S Keep oil cap, screws, and fasteners se-
curely t ightened.
S Maintain unit with care.
S Keep chain sharp and clean for better and
safer p erforman ce.
S Follow instructions for lubricating and chang-
in g accesso ri e s.
S Check for damaged parts. Before further use
of the unit, a part that is da maged should b e
carefully checked to determine that it will op-
erate properly and perform its intended
function.Checkfor alignmentof movingparts,
binding of moving parts, breakage of parts,
mounting and any other conditions that may
affect its operation. Any part that is damaged
should beproperly repaired or replaced by an
authorized service dealer unless otherwise
indicated elsewhere inthe instruction manual.
S Use only recommended attachments andre-
placement parts to avoid creating a hazard
and/or voiding warranty.
S Whennot i nuse, theunitshould bestored ina
dry,highorlocked-up placeout ofthereachof
S When storing unit, unplug and use a bar
S Stop the unit and disconnect the power
source when not in use.
S Carry the unit with motor stopped.
S Storeunit indoors ina high,dry place outof
thereach ofchildren. Storeunit unplugged.
S Donothangunit sothatthetrigger switchis
SAFETYNOTICE: Exposuretovibrations
through prolonged use of hand tools could
cause blood vessel or nerve damage in the
fingers, hands, and joints of people prone to
circulation disorders or abnormal swellings.
Prolonged use in cold weather has be en
linked to blood vessel damage in otherwise
healthy people. If symptoms occur such as
numbness, pain, loss of strength, change in
skin color or t exture, or loss of feeling in the
fingers, hands, o r joints, discontinue the use
of this tool and seek medical attention. An
anti--vibration system doesnot gu aranteethe
avoidance of t hese problems. Users whoop-
erate power tools on a continual and regular
basis mustmonitorclosely theirphysicalcon-
dition and the condition of this tool.
This model is equipped with a coupler which
enables optional attachments t o be installed.
The optional att achments are:
Edger PP1000E....................
Cultivator PP2000T.................
Blower PP3000B...................
WARNING: Use of any other attach-
ments besides those listed above and the at-
tachment provided with this unit might present a
risk of injury to the operator or bystanders. Only
those attachments listed above and the attach-
mentprovidedwiththis unithavebeentestedfor
use with this powerhead.
WARNING: Foreachoptionalattach-
mentused,read entireinstruction manualbe-
fore use and follow all warnings and instruc-
tions in manual and on attachment.
NOTE: Use the assist handle included with
your unit (as shown below) when op erating
the following attachments.
ssist Handle
WARNING: Never puthands orother
objects into blower housing to avoid serious
injury from rotating impeller.
WARNING: Inspect area before us-
ing the unit. Remove all debris and hardob-
jects such as rocks, glass, wire, etc. that can
ricochet, b ethrown,orotherwisecauseinjury
or damage dur ing operation.
S Inspect unit bef ore each use for worn,
loose, missing or damaged parts. Do not
use until unit is in proper working order.
S Donot set uniton anysurface except aclean,
hard area. Debris such as gravel, sand, dust,
grass, etc., could be picked up by the air in-
take and thrown out through discharge open-
ing, damaging unit, property, or causing seri-
ous injury to bystanders or operator .
S Neverplaceobjects insidetheblowertubes
or blower outlet. Always direct the blowing
debris away from people, anim als, glass,
and solid objects such as trees, automo-
biles, walls, etc. T heforce ofair can cause
rocks, dirt, or sticks to be thrown or torico-
chet which can hurt people or animals,
break g lass, or cause other dam age.
S Check air intake opening andblower tubes
frequently, always with unit stopped and
power source disconnected. Keep vents
and discharge tubes free of debris which
can accumulate andrestrictproper airflow.
S Never placeanyobjectinairintakeopening
as this could restrict proper air flow and
cause damage to the unit.
S Never douse o rsquirt the unitwith water or
anyother liquid.Cleanunitandlabelswitha
damp sponge. Keep handles dry, clean,
and free from oil and grease.
S Never use forspreading chemicals, fertiliz-
ers,orother substanceswhichmaycontain
toxic materials.
S Toavoidspreadingfire, d onotusenearleaf
or brush fires, fireplaces, barbecue pits,
ashtrays, etc.
CUTTING AREA. Rotating tinescan causese-
rious injury . Do not attempt to clear away cut
material or hold material tobe cut when themo-
tor is running. Make sure powerhead is stopped