S Avoid dangerous situations. Do not use in
presence of flammable liquids or gases to
avoid creating a fire or explosion and/or
causing damage to unit.
S Avoiddangerousenvironments.Donotuse
in unventilated areas or where dust or e x-
plosive vapors can build up.
S To reduce the risk of electric shock, the unit
may havea polarizedplug(onebladeiswider
thanthe other); ifso, itwillrequire theuse ofa
polarized extension cord. The applianceplug
will fitintoa polarized extensioncord only one
way. Ifthe plugdoes notfitfully intotheexten-
sion cord, reverse the plug. If the plug still
does not fit, obtain a correct polarized exten-
sion cord. A polarized extension cord will re-
quire the use of a polarized wall outlet. This
plug will fit into the polarized wall outlet only
one way. If plug does not fit fully into the wall
outlet, reverse the plug. If it still does not fit,
contact a qualified electrician to install the
proper wall outlet. Do not change the equip-
ment plug, extension cord receptacle, or ex-
tension cord plug in any way .
S To reduce risk of electrical shock, use exten-
sion cords specifically marked as suitable for
outdoorappliances havingelectrical ratingnot
less than the r ating of un it. Cord must be
marked with suf fix “W--A” (i n C anad a “W”).
Make sure your extension cord is in good
condition. Inspect extension cord before use
and replace if damaged. Do not use a dam-
agedcord. Cordinsulationmust b e intact with
no cracks or deterioration. Plug connectors
must be undamaged. The extension cord
used to reach the power source must be
heavy enoughtocarry currentfromthepower
source the full length of the extension cord to
the unit. An undersized extension cord will
causea dropin linevoltageresulting inloss of
power and overheating. If in doubt, use the
next heavier gauge. The lower the gauge
number, the heavier the cord.
S Do not use multiple cords.
S Do not abuse cord. Never carry the unit by
the extension cord or yank extension cord
to disconnect unit. To unplug, grasp the
plug,notthecord.Donotusecorda sahan-
dle, close a door on cord, or pull cord
around sharp edges or corners. Do notex-
pose cords to heat, oil, or water.
S Keep theextension cordclearof operatorand
obstacles at all times.
S Tiecord to cord retainer andconnect tore-
vent damage to unit and/or extension cord
and to reduce the possibility of the exten-
S Do notattempttorepairunit. Inspecttheinsu-
lation and connectors on the unit and exten-
sion cord before each use. If there is any
damage, do not use until damage is repaired
by your authorized service dealer .
S Do not use the unit if the switch does not
turn the unit on and off properly. Have the
unit repaired by your authorized service
S Do not use with damaged cord or plug. If
unit is not working as it should, has been
dropped, damaged, left outdoors, or
dropped into water, return it to your aut ho-
rized se rvi c e dea ler for repair.
S Avoidunintentionalstartingoftheunit.Nev-
er carry unit with your finger on the switch.
Be sure the switch is inthe offposition and
never touch the switch when connecting
extension cord.
S Unplug the unit from the power source when
notinuse,before servicing, andwhen chang-
ing accessories and/or attachments.
S Avoid any body contact with any grounded
conductor , such as metal fences, o rpipes,
to avoid the possibility of electric shock.
S Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter (GFCI)
protection shouldbe provided onthe circuitor
outletto beused f or t heunit.Receptaclesare
available having built-in GFCI protection and
may be used for this measure of safety .
WARNING: Always stopunitanddis-
connect spark plug wire (or disconnect unit
from power source) beforeperform ingmain te-
S Inspect entire unit before each use. Replace
damaged parts. Check for fuel leaks. Make
sure all fasteners are in place and securely
S Maintain unitaccordingto recommendedpro-
S Useonly recommended PoulanPRO parts
and accessories.
S Be sure chain stops moving when engine
MENTS section of original m anual).
S Keep others away when making carburetor
S Never start theunitwith theclutchhousingre-
moved. Theclutch can fly of fand cause seri-
ous injury.
S Keep thehandles driy , clean, andfreeof oil or
fuel mixture.
S Keep fuelandoil caps,screws, andfasteners
securely tightened.
S Have all maintenance and service not ex-
plainedin thismanualperformedby anautho-
rized service dealer .
S Operatethe pruneronly inawell-ventilated
outdoor area.
S Do not use apruner to cut downtrees or any
portion of the tree trunk.
S Only use for pruning limbs or branches
overheadnotgreaterthan6inches (15cm)
in diameter.
S Do not cut small brush and saplings with the
pruner. Slender mattermay catchin thechain
and be whipped toward you, p ulling you off
S Make sure the chain will not make contact
with any object while starting the engine.
Never try to start the unit when the guide
bar is in a cut.
S Do not put pressure on the pruner at the end
of the cut. Applying pressure can cause you
to lose control when th e cut is completed.