WARNING: Disconnect powerhead
spark plug(ordisconnectpowerhead frompow-
er source) before performing maintenance.
S Inspect entire unit before each use. Re-
placedamagedparts. Checkfor fuelleaks.
curely fastened.
S Maintain unit according to recommended
S Have all maintenance and service not ex-
plained inthis manual performed by an au-
thorized service center.
S Throw a way tines that are bent, warped,
cracked, broken, or damaged in any other
way. Replace parts that are cracked,
chipped, or damagedbeforeusing the unit.
S Use only recommendedPoulan PRO parts
and accessories. Never use wire, wire
rope, string, flailing devices, etc.
S Be sure tines stop turning when engine
MENTS section of powerhead manual).
S Removethetinesbeforemakingcarburetor
adjustments. Hold the unit by hand.
S Keepothers away whenmakingcarburetor
S Never start the unit with the clutch housing
removed. The clutch can fly off and cause
serious injury .
S Avoid heavy contact with solid objects that
might stop the tines. If heavy contact oc-
curs, stop theunit and inspect for damage.
S If tines strike a foreign object, follow these
steps: stopunit and disconnect sparkplug
wire (ordisconnectfrompower source), in-
spect for damage, and repair any damage
before resuming operation of the unit.
S Never douse or squirt the at tachment with
wateroranyotherliquid. Cleanunitandde-
cals with adampsponge(seeSTORAGE).
W ARNING: Inspect the area to be cul-
tivated before ea ch use. Remove objects
(rocks, vines, branches, broken glass, nails,
wire, string, et c.) which can be thrown by the
tines or can wrap around the shaft.
S Hold the unit firmly with both hands.
S Keepfirmfootingandbalance. Donotover-
reach or stand on unstable surfaces.
S Look behind and use care when backing up.
S Keep all parts of your body away from the
tines and muffler.
S Do not force the unit. Use only for jobs ex-
plainedi nthismanual. Useonlyforcultivat-
ing. Donotabuseunit. Donotuseinrainor
wet locations.
S Use only in daylight or good artificial light.
S Stop powerhead before leaving work area.
S Allow powerhead and gearbox to cool be-
fore storing or transporting it in a vehicle.
S Storeunitandfuelinareawherefuelvapors
cannot reach sparks or open flames from
water heaters, electric motors or switches,
furnaces, etc.
S Store attachment so tines cannot acciden-
tally cause injury .
S Store attachment indoors, out of reach of
If situations occur which are not covered in
this manual, use care and good judgment. If
you need assistance, call 1-800-554-6723.
SPECIALNOTICE: Exposuretovibrations
through prolonged use of gasoline powered
hand tools could cause blood vessel or nerve
damage in the fingers, hands, and joints of
people prone to circulation disorders or abnor-
mal swellings. P rolonged use in cold weather
has been linked to blood vessel damage in
otherwise healthy people. If symptoms o ccur
such as numbness, pain, loss of strength,
change inskin color or texture, or loss offeeling
in the fingers, hands, or joints, discontinue the
use o f this t ool and seek medical attention. An
anti-vibration system does not guarantee the
avoidance of these problems. Users who oper-
ate powertools ona continualand regular basis
must monitor closely their physical condition
and the conditi on of this un it.