WARNING: Perform the following
steps after each us e:
S Allow motor t o cool before storing or
S Store c h ain sawand e xtensi o ncor dina
well ven tilated area
S Store chain saw wit h a ll g uards in pl a ce
and positi on chain saw so t hat
any sharp object can not accidentally
cause injur y.
S Store chain saw unpl ugged, wel l out of
the r each of chi l dr en.
Prepare yourunit forstorage at the end of
the season or i f i t wil l not be u sed for 30
days or mor e.
If your chain saw is to be stor ed for a
peri od of time:
S Clean it thoroughly befor e lengthy st or-
S Store i n a clean dr y ar ea.
S Lightly oi l e xt e rnal m etal sur faces an d
guid e bar.
S Oil t he chain and wr ap i t in heavy
Chain does
not move
when trigger
switch is
1. Chain tension incorrect.
2. Guide bar rails pinched.
3. Trigger switch failure.
4. Circuit breaker tripped/
fuse failure.
1. See “Check Chain Tension” in
Maintenance section.
2. Repair or replace.
3. Contact an authorized service
4. Reset circuit breaker or replace
Chain clat-
ters or cuts
1. Chain tension incorrect.
2. Cutters damaged.
3. Chain worn.
4. Cutters dull, improperly
sharpened, or depth
gauges too high.
5. Sprocket worn.
1. See “Check Chain Tension” in
Maintenance Section.
2. Contact an authorized service
3. Resharpen or replace chain.
4. See “Chain Sharpening” in
Service and Adjustments section.
5. Contact an authorized service
1. Chain cutter tops not
filed flat.
2. Guide bar burred or
bent; rails uneven.
Chain stops
during cut.
1. See “Chain Sharpening” in
Service and Adjustments section.
2. Repair or replace guide bar.
Oil inade-
quate for bar
and c hain
1. Oil tank empty.
2. Oil outlet clogged.
3. Guide bar oil hole
1. Fill oil tank.
2. Contact an authorized s ervice
3. Remove ba r an d clean.
Chain cuts
at an angle.
WARNING: Always stop unit and disconnect from the power source be-
fore performing all of the recommended remedies below except remedies
that require unit to be operating.
1. Cutters damaged on
one side.
2. Chain dull on one side.
3. Guide bar b ent or worn.
1. See “Chain Sharpening” in
Service and Adjustments section.
2. See “Chain Sharpening” in
Service and Adjustments section.
3. Replace guide bar.