Computed kickback angle (CKA) Table
P/N Length CHAIN P/N
CKA without chain brake
NOTE: Ifthissawistobeusedforcom-
mercial logging, a chain brake is required
and shall not be removed or otherwise dis-
abledtocomply withFederal OSHARegula-
tions for Commercial Logging.
SAFETY NOTICE: Exposure to vibrations
through prolonged use of gasoline powered
hand tools could cause b lood vessel or nerve
damage in the fingers, hands, and joints of
people prone to circulation disorders or
abnormal swellings. Prolonged use in cold
weather has bee n linked t o blood vessel
damage in otherwise healthy people. If
symptoms occur such as numbness, pain,
loss of strength,changeinskincoloror texture,
or loss of feelingin the fingers,hands, or joints,
discontinue the use of this tool and seek
medical attention. An anti-vibration system
does not guarantee the avoidance of these
problems. Users who operate power tools on
a continual and regular basis must monitor
closely t heir physical condition and the
condition of this tool.
SPECIAL NOTICE:Y our saw is equipped
with a temperature limiting muffler and spark
arresting screen which meets the
requirem ents of California Codes 4442 and
4443. All U.S. forest land and the states of
California, Idaho, Maine, Minnesota, New
Jersey , Oregon, and Washington require by
law that many internal combustion engines to
be equipped with a spark arresting screen. If
you operate a chain saw in a state or locale
where such regulations exist, you are legally
responsible for maintaining the operating
condition of these parts. Failure to do so is a
violation of the law. Refer to the SERVICE
section for maintenance of the spark arresting
FailuretofollowallSafetyRules andPrecau-
tionscanresult inserious injury. Ifsituations
occur which are not covered in this manual,
use care and good judgement. If you need
assistance, contact your authorized service
dealer or call 1-800--554--6723.
STANDARDS: This saw is listed byUnder-
writer’s Laboratories, Inc., in accordance with:
ANSI B175.1--2000 American National
Standards for Gasoline--Powered Chain
Saws -- Safety Requirements
CSA Z62.1--03 Chain Saws -- Occupational
Health and Safety
CSA Z62.3--96 Chain Saw Kickback Occu-
pational Health and Safety
Protective gloves (not provided) should be
worn during assembly.
already attached)
WARNING: If receive d assemb led,
repeat all steps to ensure your saw is properly
assembled and all fasteners are secure. Al-
ways wear g loves when handling the chain.
Thechain issharp andcan cutyou evenwhen
it is not moving!
1. Loosenandremovethebarnuts andthe
clutch cover from thesaw.
2. Remove the plastic shipping spacer (if
Clutch cover
Bar nuts
Chain adjustment tool
(Bar Tool)
Location of
3. T urn adjusting screw on barcounterclock-
wise to move thetensioning rack as far as
it will go toward the front of the bar.
Tensioning Rack