The following guide barand chain combina-
tions meet kickback requirements of CSA
Z62.1, Z62.3, &ANSI B175.1when usedon
saws listed in this manual. Use of bar and
not recommended and may not meet the
CKA requirements per standard.
Computed kickback angle (CKA) Table
P/N Length CHAIN P/N
545049001 20″ 952051310 31_
CKA without chain brake
NOTE: Ifthissawistobeusedforcommer-
cial logging, a chain brake is required and
shall not be removed or otherwise disabled
to comply with Federal OSHA Regulations
for Commercial Logging.
SAFETY NOTICE: Exposure to vibrations
through prolonged use of gasoline powered
hand tools could cause blood vessel or nerve
damage in the fingers, hands, and joints of
people prone to circulation disorders or
abnormal swellings. Prolonged use i n cold
weather has been linked to blo od vessel
damage in otherwise healthy people. If
symptoms occur such as numbn ess, pain,
loss ofstrength,changeinskincolorortexture,
or loss offeeling i nthe fingers, hand s, orjoints,
discontinue the use of this tool and seek
medical attention. An anti-vibration system
does not guarantee the avoidance of these
problems. Users who operate power tools on
a continual and regular basis must monitor
closely t heir physical condition a nd the
condition of this tool.
with atemperaturelimiting muf flerandspark
arresting screen which meets the
requirements of California Codes 4442 and
4443. All U.S. forest land and the states of
California, Idaho, Maine, Minnesota, New
Jersey,Oregon, andWashington require b y
law that m any internal combustion engines
Ifyouoperateachainsawinastate orlocale
wheresuchregulations exist,youarelegally
responsible for maintaining the operating
condition of these parts. Failure to do so is
aviolationof t helaw. Referto theSERVICE
section for maintenance of the spark
arresting screen.
tionscanresult inserious injury. Ifsituations
occur which are not covered in this manual,
use care and good judgement. If you need
assistance, contact your authorized service
dealer or call 1-800--554--6723.
STANDARDS: This saw is listed byUnder-
writer’ s Laboratories, Inc., in accordance with:
ANSI B175.1--2000 American National
Standards fo r Gasoline--Powered Chain
Saws -- Safety Requirements
CSA Z62.1--1995 Chain Saws -- Occupa-
tional Health and Safety
CSA Z62.3--1996 Chain Saw Kickback Oc-
cupational Health and Safety
WARNING: If re ceived assem bled,
repeat all steps to ensure your saw isproperly
assembled and all fasteners are secure. Al-
ways wear protective gloves (not included)
when handling the chain. The chain is sharp
and can cut you even when it is not moving!
The bumper spike may be used as a pivot
when making a cut.
1. Loosenandremovethechainbrakenuts
and the chain brake from the saw.
2. Attach the bumper spike with the two
screws as illustrated.
already attached)
1. Loosenandremovethechainbrakenuts
and the chain brake from the saw.
2. Remove the plastic shipping spacer (if
Chain Brake
Chain Brake
Bar Tool
Location of shipping spacer
3. An adjusting pin and screw is used to ad-
just the tension of the chain. It is very im-
portant when assembling the bar, that the
pin located on the adjusting screw aligns
intoaholeinthebar.Turni ngthe s crew w ill
move the adjustment pin up and down the
screw. Locate this adjustment before you
begin mounting the bar onto the saw . See
illustration below.