
19. Make your workshop child proof with padlocks, master switches or by removing starter keys.
20. Give your work undivided attention. Looking around, carrying on a conversation and “horse-play” are
careless acts that can result in serious injury.
21. Maintain a balanced stance at all times so that you do not fall or lean against moving parts. Do not
overreach or use excessive force to perform any machine operation. Stand to the side out of line with
the table and make sure no one else is standing in line with the table.
22. Use the right tool at the correct speed and feed rate. Do not force a tool or attachment to do a job for
which it was not designed. The right tool will do the job better and more safely.
23. Maintain tools with care. Keep knives sharp and clean for the best and safest performance. Dull tools
increase noise levels and can cause kickbacks and glazed surfaces. Broken gibs/knives that are not
securely locked in the cutterhead can be thrown out of the planer causing severe or fatal injury as
well as severe damage to the machine. Follow instructions for lubricating machine and changing
accessories. Use recommended accessories; improper accessories may be hazardous.
24. Do not attempt to plane boards shorter than 10” (254mm) in length without butting a board of equal
thickness behind it to help it through the planer. Be sure the last board of a butted sequence is 10” or
25. Do not feed stacked boards through a planer; a kickback may occur causing severe or fatal injury.
26. Do not plane a board with loose knots or with nails or any foreign material on its surface. Twisted,
warped, or wind-in stock should first be jointed on one surface before attempting to plane a parallel
surface on the planer. Serious stock flaws cannot be removed by use of a planer alone.
27. If the board being planed stops feeding, disengage or turn the feed off and turn the power off. Wait
until the cutterhead comes to a complete stop before lowering the table to remove the board. Never
lower the table with the power on and the stock still in the machine, as a kickback can occur.
28. Keep hands outside of the machine. Never reach under the guards to try to clear stock that has
stopped feeding. When starting a cut, do not have any part of the hands under that part of the board
that is over the table; the infeed roller will engage the board and force it down against the table
causing a pinching action.
29. Disconnect machine from power source before cleaning. Use a brush or compressed air to remove
chips or debris — do not use your hands.
30. Do not stand on the machine. Serious injury could occur if the machine tips over.
31. Never leave the machine running unattended. Turn the power off and do not leave the machine until it
comes to a complete stop.
32. Remove loose items and unnecessary work pieces from the area before starting the machine.
Familiarize yourself with the following safety notices used in this manual:
This means that if precautions are not heeded, it may result in minor injury and/or
possible machine damage.
This means that if precautions are not heeded, it may result in serious injury or possibly
even death.