
Preventive Maintenance
Checklist for Model 60B Jointer
[ ] Work area around machine marked off clearly.
[ ] Non-skid floor strips in area where operator normally stands.
[ ] Kickback path not aimed at other work areas, aisles or doorways.
[ ] Various types of push pads and blocks readily available to operator.
[ ] Inspect entire machine for loose bolts, nuts, screws. Tighten and replace as necessary.
[ ] Cutter guard in place and working properly.
[ ] Clean table area, removing sawdust and chips with a soft bristle brush or compressed air. Remove
gum and pitch with oven cleaner.
[ ] Lubricate appropriate places with a good grade non-hardening grease.
[ ] Clean table and fence surface. If rusted, use paste mixture of household ammonia, a good
commercial detergent and 000 steel wool. Wash surface down with hot, soapy water, rinse and
dry thoroughly. Coat surface with talcum powder, rubbing briskly into surface with a clean
blackboard eraser; or apply a light coat of paste wax.
[ ] Check knife condition; should be sharp and free of nicks or grooves. Knives set at proper height
using supplied gauge, and locked securely in cutterhead.
[ ] Gibs are adjusted for light drag on both outfeed and infeed table movements.
[ ] Outfeed table in line with top of arc of cutterhead. All blades arc within .002".
[ ] Check belt condition. Replace as needed. Dress with paraffin. Check belt tension.
[ ] Check motor for loose wiring and sawdust congestion, pulleys tight and in line.
[ ] Check bearings. Replace any bad or suspect bearings immediately.
[ ] Fence square with table, clamped tightly to fence support.