Adjusting Depth of Cut
Refer to Figure 21.
Depth of cut is determined by the height of the
infeed table relative to the cutterhead. Setting
the infeed table is achieved with both a rapid
adjust and a fine adjust.
Rapid Adjust:
1. Loosen the lock screw (A) and the locking
handle (B).
2. Raise or lower the height adjustment handle
(C) until the scale (D) reads just under the
correct depth of cut.
Fine Adjust:
3. Rotate the locking handle (B) until it is snug,
then fine-tune the adjustment by rotating the
height adjustment handle (C) until the scale
reads exact. (Clockwise raises the table,
counter-clockwise lowers the table.) A full
rotation of the fine adjustment handle equals
1/16" travel of the infeed table.
4. When set, re-tighten lock screw (A).
Periodically check the accuracy of the depth of
cut scale (D, Figure 21) by raising the infeed
table until it is flush with the peak of the
cutterhead arc (using a straight edge across
table and cutterhead). The scale should read
zero depth. If it does not, re-adjust the pointer
above the scale.
Infeed Table Travel Limiter
The infeed table travel limiter (shown in Figure
22) located on the back of the table sets the
upper and lower range for the infeed table
height adjustment. This has been set at the
factory and should not require any adjustments.
Setting Outfeed Table
For accurate work in most jointing operations,
the outfeed table must be exactly level with the
knives at their highest point of revolution.
1. Raise the outfeed table to its highest point,
and place a straight edge across it.
2. Rotate the cutterhead (using the belt or
pulley) until one knife is at its highest point.
3. Loosen the locking handle on the outfeed
table, and rotate the handwheel to lower the
outfeed table until the straight edge contacts
a knife. Rock the cutterhead slightly to make
sure the apex of the knife is contacting the
straight edge. Lock the outfeed table at that
Figure 21
Figure 22
Figure 23
Figure 24