
Open shipping container and check for shipping
damage. Report any damage immediately to
your distributor and shipping agent. Do not
discard any shipping material until the Band Saw
is assembled and running properly.
Compare the contents of your container with the
following parts list and photos to make sure all
parts are intact. Missing parts, if any, should be
reported to your distributor. Read the instruction
manual thoroughly for assembly, maintenance
and safety instructions.
Contents of the Shipping Container
1 Band Saw (not shown)
1 Rip Fence Body
1 Extruded Aluminum Resaw Fence
1 Front Rail
1 Rear Rail
1 Guide Tube
1 Resaw Pin with Locking Knob
1 Hardware Package containing:
10 Hex Cap Screws, 5/16”-18 x 3/4” (AA)
10 Lock Washers, 5/16” (BB)
10 Flat Washers, 5/16” (CC)
1 Miter Gauge
1 Owner's Manual (not shown)
1 Warranty Card (not shown)
Figure 2
Read and understand the entire contents of this manual before attempting set-up
or operation! Failure to comply may cause serious injury.