The advanced protection circuit
was developed to prevent shut-
off due to the fluctuating imped-
ance loads presented by today's
complex speaker systems. The
adaptive circuit optimizes output
power to maintain uninterrupted
operation whenever the amplifi-
er senses an impedance load of
less than 2 ohms. A low imped-
ance indicator (Diagnostic
L.E.D. ) is provided to let you
know when the amplifier is oper-
ating in this mode. It is important
to note that there is no increase in output power below the 2 Ohm threshold.
Maximum power is achieved at 2 Ohms. AM III provides you the satisfaction of know-
ing that your ArtSeries amplifier will continue to play when momentary impedance
dips occur. (Refer to figure A)
In the case of a short circuit, AM III will engage to protect the shorted channel but will
continue to play the unaffected channel. When this occurs, audible distortion will be
heard. Turn off the system and repair this short. Once the problem has been
repaired, the amplifier will return to normal operation.
Differential Inputs
One of the obstacles that must be overcome when designing a mobile audio system
is that of external interference caused by alternators, generators, and other electrical
subsystems. In other amplifiers, all input grounds are wired directly into the speaker
ground, as shown in Figure B. The ArtSeries amplifiers, on the other hand, have iso-
lation resistors between the input grounds and the speaker ground. This helps to pre-
vent alternator noise from interfering with the signal between this unit and any prior
"upstream" units.
Discrete Power Amp Circuitry
Exclusive use of discrete output transistors
results in increased sonic transparency,
outstanding dynamic range, and high
instantaneous current capability. We've
designed the power bandwidth to be from
10Hz to 50,000Hz +/- 1dB. This ability to
produce full power with linear frequency
response well beyond the threshold of
human hearing insures that the amplifier's
performance over the musical spectrum
will be flawless.
Figure A: AM II Protection Circuitry
Output Power vs. Impedance
PPI's Exclusive Wire Connection System
Over the years, advances in mobile audio electronics have changed the demands
placed on the type and size of wire needed to create a high-performance mobile audio
system. To meet this need,
has created an exclusive wire connection system. This
unique, removable connection system offers the versatility of terminal strips, the
convenience of quick connect / disconnect style connectors, and the reliability afforded
by direct connection to the circuit board. The power and ground connector will accept
cable up to 6 gauge in size. The speaker/ remote tum-on connector will accept cables up
to 10 gauge in size. Refer to the Section on Installation for more information.
The Art Series amplifier is protected from current over-load situations by a blade fuse
(Maxi - Fuse ). This type of fuse has a number of advantages. First it's available in
higher values, and its single element design is more effective than using two fuses of
lower value. Second, we could board mount it. This eliminates the use of ‘jumperwires’
(from the end-panel to the circuit board) which improves reliability. Finally, they are
readily available from any auto-supply store and are easy to service. The A100 & A200
use a 20 Amp fuse, the A300 - a 30 Amp fuse, the A600 - a 50 Amp fuse and the A1200
For safety reasons,
recommends that the power cable be fused at the positive
terminal of the battery. If this fuse (not-supplied) is not installed, and the power wire
shorts to ground (between the battery and the amplifier), a fire can result. The fuse at the
battery should be of the same value as the fuse supplied with the amplifier. Consult your
Dealer for an appropriate in-line fuse that meets the needs of your
The ArtSeries amplifiers are capable of operation into a two Ohm load in a stereo
configuration and a four Ohm load in a bridge mono configuration. However, for
optimum performance a four Ohm load in stereo and an eight Ohm load in mono are
recommended. Refer to the Section on System Design for more information.
PRIOR TO INSTALLATION of your new ArtSeries Amplifier it is important to consider
the following: In your profession, your abilities and expertise insure a job well done.
This is also true of professional car audio installers. It is their chosen profession, and
why they do best. PPI believes so strongly in it's responsibility to you, that we invest
heavily in hands-on training of professional installers. Our comprehensive system
design and installation seminar provides our authorized dealers with the latest tech-
niques to deal with the complexities of car audio today. There is more than meets the
eye to insure that a car stereo reaches it's fullest potential. The trained professional,
through experience, can approach, recognize, and address all the needs of the
mobile audio environment. PPI highly recommends that this amplifier and/or any
other mobile audio equipment be installed by a trained professional.