
Xover Mode Switch – Select HP/FR for High Pass / Full Range and only the HIGH PASS functions
will work. The High Pass filter is ne ver off, but can be set to 15Hz which passes the entire audible
spectrum to be reproduced. If you select LP/BP for Low Pass and Band Pass, then the LOW PASS
function works as well. You can use the Low Pass in conjunction with the always-on High Pass to
band pass the signal to the drivers. For example...Let’s say you have 3-way components consist-
ing of a 1” tweeter, 4” midrange and a 6.5” midbass. Your 4” and 1” are on another amplifier. You
can set the midbass to play just the midbass frequencies by setting the LOW PASS to 400Hz and
setting the high pass to 60Hz. This will effectively give you a dedicated midbass region that will
not overlap into the midrange frequencies or subwoofer frequencies.
Input Gain – While most people set this control by ear to how loud they want their music, this is
not the intent of this control. The range is from 0.2 volts to 9 volts. The control is meant for match-
ing to the source unit’s output signal voltage. For example, if you have a unit with low output volt-
age, you would probably have the control set fairly high, towards the 0.2V range. A lot of head
units have 4 volts of signal voltage which mean that your control would be set in midway through
the range. If you happen to have a line driver (signal booster) that yields 9volt or more, you will
set the gain at the minimum position. In all of these examples, when properly level matched, the
amplifier will put out full volume. Setting the control above the proper point may cause dam-
age to the amplifier and speakers, and can result in poor sound quality and overall undesirable
RCA Signal Inputs – Ummm… If you do not know what goes here, get over to your local PRECI-
SION POWER dealer immediately!
Balanced Signal Inputs – Using our BLT Balanced Line Transmitters, you can achieve balanced,
noise-free signal transfer. This is a MUST and no-brainer for any audiophile, sound quality competi-
tor, or anybody serious about their music.
CH1&2 Signal Mode – There are two options here for the signal processing. You can either
choose CH1&2 HP/FR for High Pass or Full Range operations, or you can choose COPY CH3&4
making channels 1&2 receive the same processing as channels 3&4. This is handy if you want
channels 1&2 to be identical to 3&4 or if you need low pass or band pass signal. Understand
that this bypasses EVERYTHING so that the front channels are identical to the rear channels.
Phase Switch – This switch changes the phase of the woofer from 0 to 180 degrees.
Subsonic – The Subsonic Filter protects your subwoofers from playing frequencies below the physi-
cal limitations of the woofer, or that are beyond the human hearing capabilities. The Subsonic
Filter will reduce the playback of these frequencies, and allow the amplifier to use the once
wasted power for the audible frequency range. For example, let’s say your subwoofer plays just
fine, but at 20Hz tones it starts to flutter and get distorted. You can set the frequency to 25Hz
and not have to worry about super low frequencies damaging your speakers because no music
material below 25Hz will go to the subwoofers.