4. Always fully close the pressure canner. — The canner is fully closed when the cover handles are directly above the body handles.
Your pressure canner has specially designed lugs on the cover and body which lock the cover in place when the canner is fully closed.
canner and cause the cover to come off and result in bodily injury or property damage. Always be sure the cover handles are directly
above the body handles. Do not turn past handle alignment.
5. Never open the canner when it contains pressure. — The air vent/cover lock provides a visual indication of pressure inside the
canner. When it is up, there is pressure. When it is down, there is no pressure in the canner and it can be opened. If the pressure canner
is opened before all of the pressure is released, the contents of the canner will erupt and could cause bodily injury or property damage.
6. Replace the overpressure plug if it is hard, deformed, cracked, worn or pitted, or when replacing the sealing ring. Replace
the sealing ring if it becomes hard, deformed, cracked, worn, pitted, or soft and sticky. — The overpressure plug is a secondary
secondary pressure relief valve. It should be replaced immediately.
Kitchen at 1-800-368-2194. Do not attempt to use the released overpressure plug.
7. Always follow special procedures found in the instruction book when pressure cooking dry beans and peas. — During cooking,
dry beans and peas tend to froth and foam which could cause the vent pipe to become blocked. Therefore, dry beans and peas need to
be soaked and cooked according to instructions beginning on page 27. Using this method will keep foam at safe levels during cooking.
8. Never pressure cook applesauce, cranberries, rhubarb, cereals, pastas, split peas, or dried soup mixes containing split peas.
❖ Your favorite recipes may be adjusted for cooking in the canner by following the general directions in this book for the particular type
of food being cooked. Decrease the length of cooking time by two thirds, since pressure cooking is much faster than ordinary cook-
necessary steam.
❖ Whenthebodyofyourcannerisheated,themetalexpands.Therefore,itmaybedifculttoclosecoveronheatedbody.Whenthis
happens, allow canner to cool slightly.
❖ Foodsarequicklycookedinthecanner.Therefore,topreventovercookingitisimportanttoaccuratelytimethecookingperiod.
❖ Ifyourcookedfoodhasmoreliquidthanyoudesire,simmertoevaporateexcessliquid.
❖ Whenpressurecookingathighaltitudes,cookingtimeshouldbeincreased5%forevery1000feetabovetherst2000feet.Following
this rule, the time would be increased as follows:
3000 ...... 5% 5000 ......15% 7000 ......25%
4000 ...... 10% 6000 ......20% 8000 ......30%
❖ Ifyouhavequestionsonrecipesortimetableswriteto:TestKitchen,NationalPrestoIndustries,Inc.,3925NorthHastingsWay,Eau
answered promptly by letter, phone, or email.
Savory, tender meat is easily prepared in the canner. The most important step is to sear meat to a crispy brown on all sides to seal in
natural juices.
Meat recipes are cooked at 15 pounds pressure.
Cooking time depends on the amount and distribution of fat and bone, toughness, size and thickness of cut, grade and cut of meat, and