
Software Reinstallation:
The software fo
r the Acton 300-749 Remote Scan is installed at the
factory when the 300-749 is purchased. If, however, the software needs
to be reinstalled for any reason, the enclosed disk contains all the files
necessary for complete soft
ware installation. Included on the disk are the Acton
files SP300LIB, INSTALL and WIPE. Also included is a copy of the file
transfer program KERMIT (c) from Columbia University. The Kermit
program is included at no cost and may be copied or distributed as long as
the following copyright notice is included:
Copyright (c) 1989, Trustees of Columbia University in the City of New York.
Permission is granted to any individual or institution to use, copy, or redistribute
Kermit software, so long as it is not sold for profit, provided this copyright is
Installation Instructions:
Attach the 9 pin to 9 pin adapter to the serial port of the computer either com 1 or
com 2. Attach the calculator cable with the flat 4 pin connector to the HP-48
calculator and attach the 9 pin connector to the adapter at the com port.
If a previous version of the SP-300 control program has been installed on the
calculator, it is necessary to erase this program before loading the new version.
This can be accomplished by clearing the memory in the HP-48 or by loading a
special program to erase the SP-300 program. To clear memory in the HP-48
calculator, simultaneously press the A and F function keys and the ON key.
Release all three at once. Press the F function key alone to clear memory.