24 MicroMAX System User Manual Version 6.C
PVCAM is the standard software interface for cooled CCD cameras from Roper
Scientific. It is a library of functions that can be used to control and acquire data from the
camera when a custom application is being written. For example, in the case of Windows,
PVCAM is a dynamic link library (DLL). Also, it should be understood that PVCAM is
solely for camera control and image acquisition, not for image processing. PVCAM
places acquired images into a buffer, where they can then be manipulated using either
custom written code or by extensions to other commercially available image processing
User Manuals
MicroMAX System User Manual: This manual describes how to install and use the
MicroMAX system components.
WinView/32 User Manual: This manual describes how to install and use the
WinView/32 application program. A PDF version of this manual is provided on the
installation CD. Additional information is available in the program's on-line help.