Front and Rear Curtain Sync | 13
When you take photos of a moving subject using a slow (1/30 second or longer) shutter speed and a
flash, the flash will freeze the subject and the long exposure will cause light trails and motion blur to
appear in the image.This technique, referred to as slow sync, can be achieved in the following ways:
The ‘front-curtain’ or ‘first-curtain’ sync allows you to synchronize the flash with the camera’s shutter
release so that the flash fires at the instant the front curtain has fully opened. This causes the light
trails and motion blur to appear ahead of the moving subject.
The ‘rear-curtain’ or ‘second-curtain’ sync synchronizes the flash so that the flash fires just before
the second curtain closes. This freezes motion at the end of the exposure and creates light trails and
motion blur effect behind the main subject.
FOR Pentax flash
You can select the sync mode as either front-curtain ( ) or rear-curtain ( ) using the POWER switch
of the flash. The flash will fire according to the mode selected.
The camera controls the sync mode, therefore no setting is required on the flash. Please consult your
camera’s instruction manual to determine how to set this feature on your camera.
FOR all other models of flash