Chapter 8: Troubleshooting
Spare check completed
successfully on the given
spare drive
Spare Drives
Physical disk assigned as
global spare
Result of settings or user action. Normal.
Physical disk is no longer
assigned as global spare
Result of settings or user action. Normal.
Global Spare has been
Result of settings or user action. Normal.
Physical disk assigned as
dedicated spare
Result of settings or user action. Normal.
Physical disk is no longer
assigned as dedicated
Result of settings or user action. Normal.
Dedicated Spare has
been deleted
Result of settings or user action. Normal.
Stripe Level Migration
Stripe Level migration is
Result of settings or user action. Normal.
Stripe Level migration is
Stripe Level migration is
Migration paused because of user intervention,
schedule or a higher priority background activity.
Stripe Level migration is
Migration has resumed again after a pause.
Stripe Level migration is
Migration stopped because of user intervention,
schedule or the logical drive was deleted or went
critical or offline.
Stripe Level migration has
encountered a physical
disk error
Bad block found on a disk drive. Migration will finish.
Check the disk drive check table after migration and
replace disk drive as needed. See page 110.
Stripe Level migration is
aborted due to an internal
System resources are low. Reduce system load or
restart the VTrak. See page 169.
Event Action