Chapter 4: Management with WebPAM PROe
1. Click the Subsystem icon in Tree View.
2. Click the Administrative Tools icon.
3. Click on the Email Setting link.
4. Enter the IP address for your SMTP server.
5. Enter server port number for your SMTP server.
25 is the default.
6. Select Yes to enable SMTP authentication or No to disable.
7. If you selected Yes for SMTP authentication, enter a Username and
Password in the fields provided.
8. Enter an Email sender address (example: RAIDmaster@promise.com).
9. Enter an Email subject (example: VTrak Status).
10. When you are done, click on the Submit button.
Send a Test Message
To send one test message to the User currently logged into the VTrak GUI:
1. Make the Email settings as described above.
2. Under Test Email, check the “Send A Test Email” box.
3. Click on the Submit button.
Change Email Setting
To change the Email Automatic/Manual start setting:
1. Click the Subsystem icon in Tree View.
2. Click the Administrative Tools icon.
3. Click on the Email Setting link.
4. Under Startup Type:
• Click on the Automatic option to start the service automatically during
system startup.
• Click on the Manual option to start the service manually (the service
does not start during system startup).
5. Click on the Submit button.
Manual Start, Restart, Stop
To manually start, restart or stop the Email service:
1. Click the Subsystem icon in Tree View.
2. Click the Administrative Tools icon.
3. Click on the Email Setting link.
4. Under Running Status: