
Chapter 8: Troubleshooting
This means you can, for example, connect your Host PC to one of the VTrak’s
SCSI “In” ports without the need of an external SCSI terminator. You can also
connect both SCSI connectors in a “daisy-chain” with other VTraks.
Be sure to enable termination on the last VTrak in the chain. Promise
recommends that you attach the SCSI cable to the “In” connector and set the
internal termination to “On” or “Automatic”.
Or you can attach the SCSI cable to the “Out” connector and install a physical
terminator (not supplied) onto the “In” connector.
Serial Connections
VTrak uses a serial connection for the command line interface (CLI) and the
command line utility (CLU). After you set the IP address, you can access the CLI
and CLU through a network connection, also. Normally, users prefer WebPAM
PROe because of its graphic user interface. But the CLI and CLU can do the
same jobs. And they will work when your network connection is down.
For VTrak, you must use the CLI or CLU to set the Management Port IP address
in order for WebPAM PROe to connect with it. See “VTrak Setup with CLI or CLU”
on page 17. This issue is discussed further under Network Connections (below).
See the “Set Up Serial Cable Connections” on page 14 for more information on
making the connection.
The CLI and CLU control and manage but they do not move data. They
communicates through a null-modem cable, supplied with the VTrak. A straight-
through serial cable will not work for this purpose. You may choose not use the
CLI or CLU often and want to disconnect and store the cable. Consider leaving it
connected, to be sure it will be there when you need it.
Network Connections
VTrak has an RJ-45 Management Port connector on the back of its cabinet. This
is a Gigabit Ethernet connector designed to connect to your network. The VTrak
becomes a node on your network like any other PC, server or other component
with an IP address.
SCSI “Out”
SCSI “Out”