P S B P e r f o r m a n c e g o e s I n - W a l l , I n - C a b i n e t a n d I n - R o o m
Today’s entertainment systems deliver audio and video
performance unattainable just a few years ago. Home theater
surround and “whole-house” sound are what more and more
homeowners expect, and system designers aim to deliver, with
the convenience and elegance of Custom Installation. In fact,
Custom Installation has quickly become the standard approach
to premium home entertainment, creating the performance you
demand with design that complements your lifestyle and décor.
Of course, the fi rst prerequisite for any such system is the need
for equipment – especially loudspeakers – to be “heard, not
With CustomSound, PSB’s goal was to honor our very
highest standards of sonic quality with speaker systems
engineered from the ground up to serve high-performance
custom applications. The CHS and CW CustomSound
models emulate the performance of our fl agship Platinum
Series, via two distinct families–“in-wall,” and “in-cabinet”.
These serve the fl ush-mount “architectural-speaker” and
custom-cabinetry installations. They share the technical
foundations of the acclaimed Platinum Series, yet are all but
invisible in the fi nished system, integrating seamlessly with any
PSB Platinum Series in-room model and matching their sonic
excellence whether in mixed systems, deployed alone, or in
any combination, without compromise. Achieving such system-
design freedom was no small accomplishment. The credit goes to
PSB’s 33 years of loudspeaker-design experience and its unique
knowledge base on the interactive nature of loudspeakers, aural
perception, and room acoustics.
The PSB CustomSound designs settle the longstanding confl ict
between sound and design. Finally, media-system designers can
enjoy the freedom to employ Platinum performance in all their design
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PSB Speakers reserves the right to change specifications or features without notice.
© 2004 PSB Speakers, a division of Lenbrook Industries Limited.
PSB is a registered trademark of Lenbrook Industries Limited. Printed in Canada 10/04. All rights reserved.
No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored or transmitted in any form whatsoever without the written permission of PSB Speakers.