5-26 PowerScan
7000 Linear Imager
RSS Expanded — continued
Length Control
Fixed Length Decoding —
When fixed length decoding is enabled,
the scanner will decode a bar code if the label length matches one of the
configurable fixed lengths.
Variable Length Decoding —
When variable length decoding is
enabled, the scanner will decode a bar code if the label length falls in the
range of the configurable minimum and maximum length.
Configuring Fixed Length Decoding:
1. Scan the START bar code.
2. Scan the Fixed Length Decoding bar code.
3. Scan the END bar code.
4. Set Length 1 to the first fixed length by following the
Expanded Length 1, Length 2 Programming Instructions
5. Set Length 2 to the second fixed length (or to ‘00’ if there is only
one fixed length) by following the RSS Expanded Length 1, Length
2 Programming Instructions
Configuring Variable Length Decoding:
1. Scan the START bar code.
2. Scan the Variable Length Decoding bar code.
3. Scan the END bar code.
4. Set Length 1 to the minimum length by following the
Expanded Length 1, Length 2 Programming Instructions
5. Set Length 2 to the maximum length by following the
Expanded Length 1, Length 2 Programming Instructions