• Check character must be included in label data.
• Label length including start, stop and check characters and
excluding prefix character must meet requirements imposed by
the main scanner's fixed or variable label length control for this
symbology type.
• Start and stop characters "*" must be included in label.
• Prefix must be an ASCII character '*'.
• Example : '**Code 39.TEST*'.
• Check character must be included in label data.
• Label length including start, stop and check characters and
excluding prefix character must meet requirements imposed by
the main scanner's fixed or variable label length control for this
symbology type.
• Start and stop characters "*" must be included in label.
• Prefix must be an ASCII character 'p'.
• Example: 'p*123456789*'.
• Check character must be included in label data.
• Label length including check characters and excluding prefix
character must meet requirements imposed by the main scanner's
fixed or variable label length control for this symbology type.
• Prefix must be an ASCII character 'i'.
• Example: 'i0123456789'.