The PPG Menubar
40 PT Program Generator (PPG) v5.0
PPG Explorer
Select View > PPG Explorer to toggle the PPG Explorer on or off. You can also
click on the small
X at the top right of the Explorer window to close it.
Explorer window is dockable, which means you can reposition it to other
locations. To move it, click on the double bar at the top of the
Explorer. Hold
the left mouse button down and drag the window to the desired location.
Status Bar
Select View > Status bar to toggle the bottom status bar on or off.
When you print to a menu or toolbar command, the status bar displays a text
description of the command. Toggling the status bar off makes the application
display window slightly larger.
Create Menu
From the menubar, select Create > and then the type of node or data you wish
to create:
Function Nodes on page 42.
Frame (Ctrl+Alt+F) on page 42.
Subroutine (Ctrl+Alt+S) on page 42.
Operation Nodes on page 42.
Menu (Ctrl+Alt+U) on page 42.
Display (Ctrl+Alt+D) on page 42.
2342.book Page 40 Thursday, July 22, 2004 8:35 AM