© 2006 directed electronics—all rights reserved
• Alarm Page Alert: an alarm page alert is a single beep that
repeats every sixty seconds after an alarm warn or full trigger
page has been received. It will continue to beep until it has been
cleared by the user.
Alarm Page: to clear an Alarm Page Alert, press any button
on the remote control.
Until the alert is cleared, the buttons on the remote control will
not transmit commands.
a. During Alarm Page Notification: press any button while
the Notification is playing, the alert will clear and the animation
will stop.
b. After Notification: press any button after the Notification,
the alert will clear and the animation will replay without the
Out of Range: If the remote control does not receive a
command response with a few seconds of sending a command,
it will assume it is out‑of‑range and will play the appropriate
notification replay feature
The notification replay feature allows you to replay the most recent
remote control Notification animation. This feature is convenient
for reviewing the detail for the Notification such as remote start
on/off, alarm page etc.