QLogic 3000 and 3100 Series Intelligent Ethernet Adapters Users Guide
Version 4.7
Index-4 NE0154601-00 B
nxflash Glossary-1
command B-1, B-4, B-8
nxudiag Glossary-1
PCI Express Glossary-2
PCI Express bus, finding QLogic adapter on
PCIe Glossary-2
Performance tuning 7-13, 8-9
Port mapping 4-2
PXE Glossary-2
--pxe-off B-5, B-9
--pxe-on B-4, B-9
see also QLogic adapter
bracket removal and replacement 4-3
hardware installation 4-1
LEDs 4-2
port mapping 4-2
see also QLogic adapter
bracket removal and replacement 4-5
hardware installation 4-4
LEDs 4-5
QLogic adapter
see also QLE3044‚ QLE3142
bonding modes 9-5
configuration, Linux 3-6, 8-8
configuration, Windows Server 2003 and
2008 7-9
device IDs 11-5
diagnostics 7-11, 8-8
hardware installation 3-1
PCI Express bus location 11-5
performance tuning 7-13
properties 7-2
supported adapters 1-1
Quick start instructions 3-1
-R A-1
-r <backup file> B-4, B-9
Red Hat driver installation 3-4
Related materials ix
Requirements, hardware 2-1
Resources tab, adapter properties 7-9
--restore <backup file> B-4, B-9
romimage Glossary-2
Round-robin mode 9-3
RPM Glossary-2
binary RPM in Linux 8-5
installing the Linux driver in RPM format 8-5
RSS Glossary-2
-S A-1
SFP+ Glossary-2
SFP+ optical module requirements 2-2
Statistics tab, adapter properties 7-9
SUSE driver installation 3-5
System errors, checking for 11-4
systeminfo 11-3
Tcp1323Opts parameter 7-16
TcpWindowSize parameter 7-20
Technical support x
Linux 8-2, 8-6
troubleshooting 11-3
uninstall 8-8
Troubleshooting x, 11-1