7–Windows Server 2003, 2008, and 2008 R2 Driver Configuration
Windows Server 2003 Performance
NE0154601-00 C 7-17
To modify the scale factor, set Tcp1323Opts to 1. Note that this parameter is not
created by default. To modify a previously created parameter, see “Modifying the
Tcp1323Opts Parameter” on page 7-17. To create a new parameter, see
“Creating the Tcp1323Opts Parameter” on page 7-18.
Modifying the Tcp1323Opts Parameter
If the parameter was created previously, it can be modified as follows:
1. Click the Start button, and then click Run. The Run dialog box opens.
2. Type regedit in Open: box (Figure 7-8), and then click OK.
Figure 7-8. Run Window
The Registry Editor window opens.
3. Click the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE directory (Figure 7-9).
Figure 7-9. Registry Editor—HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE Directory
Table 7-4. Range
Hex Value Meaning
0 Timestamps and window scaling are disabled.
1 Window scaling is enabled.
2 Timestamps are enabled.
3 Timestamps and window scaling are enabled.