A – Command Line Interface
Show Command
A-66 59056-02 A
Executes a series of commands that display a complete description of the switch,
its configuration, and operation. The display can be captured from the screen and
used for diagnosing problems. This keyword is intended for use at the request of
your authorized maintenance provider. The commands that are executed include
the following:
Alias List
Config List
Show (About, Alarm, Backtrace, Chassis, Config Port, Config Switch, Config
Threshold, Dev, Dev Settings, Domains, Donor, Fabric, Log, Log Archive,
Log Settings, Lsdb, Mem, Ns, Perf, Port, Setup Mfg, Setup Snmp, Setup
System, Steering, Switch, Topology, Users)
User Accounts
Zoneset (Active, List)
Zoning (History, Limits, List)
Displays switch operational information.Table A-16 describes the switch
operational parameters.
Table A-16. Switch Operational Parameters
Parameter Description
SymbolicName Descriptive name for the switch
SwitchWWN Switch world wide name
SwitchType Switch model
BootVersion PROM boot version
CreditPool Number of port buffer credits available
to recipient ports
DomainID Switch domain ID
FirstPortAddress FC address of switch port 0
FlashSize - MBytes Size of the flash memory in megabytes