A – Command Line Interface
Reset Command
59056-02 A A-31
Reset Command
Resets the switch configuration parameters. If you omit the keyword, the default is
Reset Switch.
Authority Admin session
Syntax reset
config [config_name]
port [port_number]
switch (default)
Keywords config [config_name]
Resets the configuration given by [config_name] to the factory default values for
switch, port, port threshold alarm, and zoning configuration. If [config_name] does
not exist on the switch, a configuration with that name will be created. If you omit
[config_name], the active configuration is reset. You must activate the
configuration for the changes to take effect. Refer to Table A-3 through Table A-6
for switch, port, and port threshold alarm configuration default values.
Resets switch configuration, port configuration, port threshold alarm configuration,
zoning configuration, SNMP configuration, system configuration, and zoning to
the factory default values. The switch configuration is activated automatically.
Refer to Table A-3 through Table A-8.
port [port_number]
Reinitializes the port given by [port_number]. Ports are numbered beginning
with 0.
Resets the SNMP configuration settings to the factory default values. Refer to
Table A-7 for SNMP configuration default values.
Resets the switch without a power-on self test. This is the default. This reset
disrupts traffic and does the following:
Activates the pending firmware.
Closes all management sessions.
Note: Because this keyword changes network parameters, the
workstation could lose communication with the switch and
release the Admin session.
This keyword does not affect installed license keys.