
B Command Line Interface
Set Config Command
59021-05 A B-25
Set Config Command
Sets switch, port, alarm threshold, and zoning configuration parameters.
Authority Admin authority and a Config Edit session
Syntax set config
port [port_number]
ports [port_number]
Keywords port [port_number]
Initiates an edit session in which to change configuration parameters for the port
number given by [port_number]. If you omit [port_number], the system begins with
port 0 and proceeds in order through the last port. For each parameter, enter a
new value or press the Enter key to accept the current value shown in brackets.
Enter q to cancel the configuration for one port, or qq to cancel the
configuration for all ports. Table B-7 describes the port parameters.
ports [port_number]
Initiates an editing session in which to change configuration parameters for all
ports based on the configuration for the port given by [port_number]. If you omit
[port_number], port 0 is used. For each parameter, enter a new value or press the
Enter key to accept the current value shown in brackets. Enter q to cancel the
configuration. Tabl e B-7 describes the port parameters.
Table B-7. Set Config Port Parameters
Parameter Description
AdminState Port administrative state: online, offline,
diagnostics, or down.
LinkSpeed 1Gb/sec or 2 Gb/sec
PortType Type of port
TLPortMode Configures a TL_Port for a loop of
private target or initiator devices.
ISLSecurity E_Port security. Determines which
switches a port will establish a link with.
Any - link with any FC-SW-2
compliant switch.
Ours - link only with an FC-SW-2
compliant QLogic switch.
None - reject the link.
SymbolicPortName Descriptive name