Performance Features
A-4 59229-05 A
Per Port Buffering...........................
ASIC-embedded memory
Each port has a guaranteed 16-credit
zero wait state buffer for full
performance up to 13Km @ 2-Gbps
and 2 Km @ 10-Gbps
Buffer credit donor support software to
extend distances
ISL Trunking ...................................
Up to 128 ISLs in one or more trunks
between multiple switches in any port
speed combination and across multiple
I/O blades
Switch-On-Exchange (SOE) mode for
dynamic ISL trunk load balancing to
maximize throughput
In-order delivery of frames in all
multi-switch and multi-link
Automatic configuration of ISL trunks
including multi-hop paths between
multiple switches including stack,
cascade, cascaded loop, and mesh
Adaptive trunking and intelligent path
selection on all 10-Gbps ports
Non-disruptive dynamic addition of
ISLs to an existing trunk
High availability with automatic path
System Processor ..........................
800 MHz PowerPC
I/O blade Processor........................ 400 MHz PowerPC
Table A-3. Performance Features