2–Configuring NIC
NIC Partitioning (NPAR)
SN0054671-00 B 2-55
NPAR PCI Function Number. The function number (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,
or 7) of the eight PCIe function numbers claimed by the adapter.
NPAR Function Type. This field correlates to the personality of the
selected NPAR (PCIe) function: NIC, iSCSI, or FCoE.
Minimum Bandwidth (%
). Use the UP ARROW and DOWN ARROW
keys to scroll between 0% to 100% to set the bandwidth you want to
guarantee for data sent over the selected partition. Each additional
percent increments the bandwidth by 100Mbps. For example, setting
the minimum bandwidth to 5 percent guarantees sending and
receiving data over the selected port at 500Mbps.
Maximum Bandwidth (%). The maximum allowed bandwidth is
specified as a percentage of the link speed. Use UP ARROW and
DOWN ARROW keys to scroll between 0% to 100% to set the
maximum bandwidth for data sent over the selected partition. Each
additional percent increments the bandwidth by 100Mbps. For
example, setting the maximum bandwidth to 100 percent allows for
sending and receiving data over the selected partition at up to
5. Repeat the previous step to configure the minimum and maximum
bandwidth on the other partitions.
6. When you are finished making changes, click Save to save any changes to
the advanced parameters of the adapter. The Security Check dialog box
may appear. In the Enter Password box, type the password, and then click
QConvergeConsole (QCC) CLI
QConvergeConsole Command Line Interface (CLI) is a management utility that
centralizes management and configuration of QLogic adapters within the entire
network (LAN and SAN).
You can use the QCC CLI tool in either interactive or non-interactive mode to
configure and manage 8200 and 3200 Series Adapters installed on either Linux or
Windows host servers.
This section outlines the steps for setting up NIC partitions using QCC CLI in
interactive mode. The displayed commands apply to both Linux and Windows
operating systems.
For procedures on installing and starting this management tool, refer to the
QConvergeConsole CLI User's Guide.
The settings are persistent across reboots.