5 – Diagnostics/Troubleshooting
POST Diagnostics
5-6 59042-01 A
A Logged-In LED error indication is often the result of E_Port isolation. An isolated
E_Port is indicated by a red link in the topology display. Table 5-1 describes the
causes and remedies for E_Port isolation conditions. Refer to the SANbox2-8c/16
Switch Management User’s Guide for information about how to change domain
IDs, timeout values, and edit zoning.
If a Logged-In LED is flashing, do the following:
1. Inspect the cable connecting the port to another switch or to a device. Is the
cable connected and in good operating condition?
■ Yes - Continue.
■ No - Make necessary corrections or replace the cable.
2. Inspect the switch or device to which the port is connected. Is the switch or
device operating properly?
■ Yes - Continue.
■ No - Make necessary corrections. If the problem remains, continue.
3. Replace the SFP. Does this correct the problem?
■ Yes - Diagnosis complete.
■ No - Continue.
4. Inspect the switches in the fabric for domain ID, timeout value, or conflicting
zone name problems. Do any of these conditions exist?
■ Yes - Reconfigure the switches as needed to eliminate the problem.
Refer to the SANbox2-8c/16 Switch Management User’s Guide for
information about how to change domain IDs, timeout values, and
■ No - Contact your authorized maintenance provider.
Table 5-1. E_Port Isolation Causes and Remedies
Isolation Cause Remedy
Two switches in the same
fabric have the same
domain ID
Correct the domain IDs on the offending switches.
Domain IDs must be unique.
All switches in the fabric do
no have the same timeout
Correct the timeout values on the offending switches.
When merging two fabrics,
the active zone sets contain
zones with the same names
but different membership.
Deactivate one of the active zone sets or edit the
conflicting zones so that their membership is the same.
The conflicting zones have the same name, but different
membership. Finally, take the affected ports offline then
back online to restore the inter-switch links.