5 – Non-interactive Commands
Command Summary
SN0054614-00 F 5-35
Yes Disk xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx 10-02-E4 1
Yes Disk xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx 10-02-E8 2
Press <Enter> to continue:
To bind a selected target to a specific HBA, type:
# scli -p (<HBA Instance> | <HBA WWPN>) (<Target WWNN> <Target
WWPN> <Target Port ID> <Target ID>)
To bind multiple targets with a single command, repeat the following group:
<Target WWNN> <Target WWPN> <Target Port ID> <Target ID>
To bind all targets on a specific HBA or to bind all targets on all HBAs, type:
# scli -p (<HBA Instance> | <HBA WWPN> | all) bind all
To unbind a specific target, type:
# scli -p (<HBA Instance> | <HBA WWPN>) (remove <target WWNN>
| unbind <target WWNN>)
To unbind all targets on a specific HBA port or on all HBA ports, type:
# scli -p (<HBA Instance> | <HBA WWPN> | all) (remove all |
unbind all)
HBA Instance = HBA number (use -g command to find)
HBA WWNN = Word wide node name of the HBA
HBA WWPN = World wide port name of the HBA
Target WWNN = World wide node name of the target
Target WWPN = World wide port name of the target
Target Port ID = Port ID of the target
Target ID = ID to which the target is bound
HBA Instance = HBA number (use -g command to find)
HBA WWPN = World wide port name of the HBA
HBA Instance = HBA number (use -g command to find)
HBA WWPN = World wide port name of the HBA
Target WWNN = World wide node name of the target