
Output connections for CXT, bridged
mono mode, 200 volt line.
Output connections for CXT,
bridged mono mode, 140 volt
If your application calls for connecting an 8-ohm speaker and a distributed line to the same amplifier channel,
the CX4T, CX6T and CX12T can do that. However, since most of the audio power is drawn by the direct-connected
speaker, you must derate the distributed line; the distributed line should have a total power load of no more than
one-fourth the amplifiers normal distributed line power rating. Make sure the direct-connected speaker can
handle the 8-ohm power rating of the amplifier. See Applications Notes section for more details.
Output connections for CXT,
25 volt line.
Output connections for
CXT, 100 volt line.
Output connections for
CXT, 70 volt line.
Output connections for CXT, direct low
Output connections for CXT, bridged mono mode.
Output connections for CX, parallel or stereo mode.Output connections for CX, bridged mono mode.