Page 8
February 4, 2005
Isle Royale Wood Stove
The flue collar is reversible for either a top or rear venting
installation. The unit is shipped with the flue collar in the top
vent position.
1. Remove 5 Phillips head screws from the rear shield, lift
shield up and set aside.
2. Remove bolts from each side of the flue transition (2
total). (Place your free hand in flue opening to locate
and retrieve nuts attached to bolts.)
Please note this cover plate will not
work with the Low-Profile Kit
This cover plate is used when the flue collar is turned for a
rear vent application.
2. Bend the cover plate flange down.
3. Secure the cover plate with the remaining two screws.
1. After the flue collar has been reversed for a rear vent
installation, install the cover plate on the stove with the
two screws provided.
Calculating Alternate Floor Protection
Thermal Conductivity: k value
The k value indicates the amount of heat (in BTU’s) that will flow
in 1 hour through 1 square foot of a uniform material 1 inch thick
for each degree (F) of temperature difference from one side of
the material to the other. The LOWER the k factor means less
heat is being conducted through the non-combustible material
to the combustible material beneath it. The k value of a mate
rial must be equal or smaller then the required k value to be
(BTU) (inch)
(hour) (
Thermal Resistance: R value
The R value is a measure of a material’s resisteance to
heat transfer. R value is convenient when more than one
material is used since you can add the R values together,
whereas you can not do this for k value. The HIGHER the R
factor means less heat is being conducted through the non-
combustible material to the combustible material beneath it.
The R value of a material must be equal or larger then the
required R value to be acceptable.
Converting k to R:
Divide 1 by k and multiply the results times the thickness in
inches of the material.
R = 1/k x inches of thickness
Converting R to k:
Divide the inches of thickness by R.
k = inches of thickness/R
Example: Floor protection requires k value of 0.84 and 3/4 inch
Alternative material has a k value of 0.6 and is 3/4 inch thick.
Divide 0.6 by .75 = k value of 0.80. This k value is smaller than
0.84 and therefore is acceptable.
3. Turn vent to horizontal position. Inspect sealant to ensure
a leak free application.
4. Re-assemble in reverse order.