9412/9412A Communication Commands
Command Name Parameters Description
MODE 0 = Continuous mode
1 = Burst mode
2 = Duty Cycle mode
3 = Single Shot mode
4 = External Trigger mode
Sets the pulse generator mode.
GATE 0 = off
1 = active low
2 = active high
Enables the external trigger input to function as a gate
controlling all outputs. Cannot be used with external
trigger mode.
ToPer 1000 - 99999999 µs
500 - 99999999 µs (400B)
Sets the To internal sync period, used only in Continu-
ous, Burst and Duty Cycle modes.
DC:On 1 - 10000 Sec Sets the on time, in seconds, for the Duty Cycle mode.
DC:Off 1 - 10000 Sec Sets the off time, in seconds, for the Duty Cycle mode.
TRIG 0 = falling edge
1 = rising edge
Sets the active edge of the Ext/Gate signal when used as
an external trigger.
CYCLES 0 - 10000 cycles Sets the number of cycles for the Duty Cycle mode.
#/BURST 1 - 50000 pulses Sets the number pulses in the Burst mode.
T1:Wid 1 - 99999999 µs Sets the pulse width, in microseconds, for Channel 1.
T1:Dly 0 - 99999999 µs Sets the delay, in microseconds, for Channel 1.
T1:Pol 0 = Negative (active low)
1 = Positive (active high)
Sets the polarity of the output for Channel 1.
T2:Wid 1 - 99999999 µs Sets the pulse width, in microseconds, for Channel 2.
T2:Dly 0 - 99999999 µs Sets the delay, in microseconds, for Channel 2. Note:
The delay is relative to Channel 1.
T2:Pol 0 = Negative (active low)
1 = Positive (active high)
Sets the polarity of the output for Channel 2.
T2:Enable 0 = Off
1 = On
Turns the output of Channel 2 on and off.
T2:Gate 0 = Off
1 = Active low
2 = Active high
Enables the external input to act as a gate for Channel 2's
T2:Wait 0 - 10000 pulses Set the number of pulses to wait after starting T1 before
enabling T2. Note: This is used to allow time for the la-
ser to stabilize when T1 is used as a flashlamp trigger
and T2 is the Q-switch trigger.
T2*n 1 - 10000 Sets the period of T2 relative to T1. The period of T2 is
the period of T1 multiplied by n.
BEEP 1 - 1000 Beeps the buzzer inside the 9412/9412A the specified
number of times.
RUN 0 = Disable
1 = Enable
Enable / disables the pulse generator output.