
INTERBUS / General conditions
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Test for Test sequence Remarks
Oscillations Test for oscillations
IEC 68, part 2-6
Type of oscillation: sweep with a rate of
change of 1 octave per minute
10 Hz f < 57 Hz, const. amplitude
57 Hz f 150 Hz, const. acceleration
1 g
period of oscillation: 10
sweep per axis in each of the 3 vertical
Impulse Test for impulses
IEC 68, part 2-27
Type of impulse: half sinusoidal
Intensity of impulses: 15 g peak value,
11 ms maintenance time
route of impulses: 2 impulses in each of
the 3 vertical axes
7.3 Class of protection and degree of protection
The class of protection is IP2X (IEC 529), i.e. protection against touch with a standard
test object. There is also protection against solid bodies greater than 12 mm. There is no
special protection against water.