
17. Install glass bead diode D1.
18. Install glass bead diode D2.
19. Install glass bead diode D3.
20. Install R7, the small yellow trimmer potentiometer marked "104".
21. Install C19, the 470 µF electrolytic. Be sure to position for correct
22. Install C11, 4.7 to 10 µF electrolytic. Observe polarity.
23. Install R11, 4.7K [yellow-violet-red].
24. Install R12, 150K [brown-green-yellow].
25. Install C9, 220 pf [marked 220 or 221].
26. Install C10, .001 µF [marked .001 or 102 or 1nf].
27. Install C22, the large 1000 µF electrolytic capacitor. Observe
28. Install R8, 470 ohms [yellow-violet-brown].
29. Install C20, .001 µF (marked .001 or 102 or 1 nf).
RF amplifier and final components
30. Install shielded slug tuned coil L1. The larger tabs secure the shield
can to the ground foil connections, while the two thin leads are the coil
connections. If you find that the coil lead wires do not line up with the
PC board holes, simply "pull" the coil insert from the shield can, rotate it
a quarter-turn and insert back into the can. Make sure L1 is squarely
against the top of the PC board before soldering, solid installation of L1
is essential to the frequency stability of your transmitter.
31. Install C15, 10 pf (marked 10 or 10K).
32. Install C14, 10 pf (marked 10 or 10K).
33. Install R9, 270 ohms [red-violet-brown].
34. Install C17, .001 µF (marked .001 or 102 or 1 nf).