Manual abstract:
See more Yellow Wagtail / Motacilla flava Experience Nature Nature constantly challenges those wishing to brave it. These free spirits are out to enjoy the
freedom of the outdoors and to find that unforgettable moment, which only nature can provide. Nature is their passion. They know best of all how difficult it
can be to identify that rarest of birds under the most trying conditions. Our quest is to bring enthusiasts closer to nature, and coupled with our Leica
expertise, make our optical instruments the ideal field companions. Even under the most grueling conditions, such as extreme temperature changes and
constant physical abuse, our products exceed expectations. The reason for this being that Leica binoculars, spotting scopes, and laser rangefinders are the
result of many years of experience, uncompromising quality standards and a continuing dedication to excellence. Leica's product development is driven by
international "Innovation Teams" comprised of experts and users. This approach has resulted in numerous patents, e. g.
the multifunction center drive of our full-size binoculars, the dual-focusing device of our spotting scopes and our unique laser rangefinding technology. We
see it as our duty to protect the environment. Therefore, Leica only uses environmentally friendly materials and technology. As such, all glass is lead- and
arsenic-free, and has been so for years. Leica is also active worldwide in protecting endangered species and conserving crucial habitat.
Observe and preserve Spanish Imperial Eagle / Tringa totanus 6/7 Young birders everywhere are often isolated from their peers, watching and studying birds
all by themselves. So how do you inspire and encourage students from across the continent to discover birding, to get out into the field and improve their
birding proficiency and enjoyment, and at the same time connect with other young birders ? Supporting young birders One of the ways that the American
Birding Association (ABA) has found to do just that was to create a contest, the ABA/Leica Young Birder of the Year (YBY), which would spark their
imaginations as well as increase their desire to pursue and develop their own birding skills. The YBY contest was begun in 1997 with a firm commitment from
the ABA Education Program to encourage more young people to become interested in birding and encourage young birders to enhance their entire birding
experience, with an emphasis on the development of good field skills. Leica Camera Inc stepped up as the principal sponsor of this exciting new event, with
superior optics prizes and a generous scholarship to a youth birding camp for the winners. The YBY has evolved from that first venture, and now consists of
four individual modules : field notebook, writing, photography, and illustration.
Participants can customize the contest to reflect their own ornithological interests and the aspects of birding that they find the most compelling by
participating in just one or all four of the modules. To qualify for overall YBY, participants must complete the field notebook module and at least two of the
others. birding and ornithology, among them writing, painting, tour-leading, museum work, and conservation science. Distinct from the Field Notebook
Module is the Writing Module. Whereas the Field Notebook Module emphasizes on-the-ground, on-site descriptions of birds observed in the field, the Writing
Module presents a venue for analysis, interpretation, and speculation. The primary genre here is the essay, but some cation skills. And as they scrutinize the
proportion challenges when the birds change their position, they are also learning about the way birds move when they sing, eat, and go about their daily
lives. Capturing a bird's particular attitude and beauty along with the successful handling of their chosen media is a charge that these young birders have met
with aplomb. The act of putting pencil to paper has become an expression of these best : "As anyone who has tried bird photography can attest, it can be a
difficult proposition to capture the essence of bird life on film (or digital memory cards), but these young birders pulled it off..
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